Supernatural Deck --
1st Card--5 of pentacles, upright
Bottom deck energy, and in the shuffle split---i.e. making me listen, ha.
Book: "Make sure your foundation is solid"
Financial instability or lack mindset.
Further: Minor Arcana=Temporary
Humbling blow to self-esteem, but this too shall pass for further reference
Reflection: Don't worry so much. Even in your "it'll be okay" mindset you're still seeing worst-case scenarios. It's a good mindset, to be okay if it is and okay if it isn't. But it doesn't have to be drastic all-or-nothing every time.
Minor inconveniences happen, you don't have to prepare for the worst. Normal is just normal sometimes.
Situation Recall: My Engine light came on this week, like over the last 3 days before this pull. I had what seems to have been a clog in my fuel injector. I bought the stuff to replace it but kept thinking about what I would do if my car broke down---seeing as I drive for a living. After getting what I needed and heading to the parts store for the last time my engine light was off and my car started smoothly for the first time in maybe a week. I hadn't even been home with the stuff to fix it yet, but I had already thought about getting a bike to do deliveries, how I would get the down payment to get a new car if this one broke, and how I could afford these things if I didn't have a car to drive to get the money. But the whole time, my car was driving. Even the next day again, my light came back on and I had them run the scan again, this time by a thorough diagnostic scanner--the highest replacement part for all my codes was the valve cover gasket I've been driving on for a year. It's not serious and doesn't affect my car--which luckily is smart enough to make up the difference with things like that.
Soon right after that, my engine light went back off, and I drove upstate to my sister's baby shower with no issues. I did this pull after I got home at 10 pm.
Next morning/Post Reflect: A poor mindset is assuming each "struggle" is larger than it is, that it could be the downfall. Waiting for that downfall will take you there quicker than just going with the flow and letting things be because that's what they do. Ride the waves of life without assuming you'll go under every time one comes.
2nd Card--The Empress, upright
Peek-a-boo Energy---Extra pizazz/reassurance
Book: Lead with compassion, not force. (Even yourself)
Further: Feminity (could point toward creative expression), Nature, Abundance
She draws her sense of peace through the trees. A call to connect, and create beauty.
When the Empress comes, stop and thank your many bounties and all you have created for yourself along the way.
Reflection: She comes along with the motherly reassurance for you to guide your inner child back to the water, back to an abundance mindset.